
來源:貴州富海萬企科技有限公司   發(fā)布時間:2020-08-14  瀏覽5次

Corporate vision:

Internet service enterprises respected and trusted by customers

Corporate mission:

Focus on the challenges and pressures of customers, provide competitive internet marketing solutions and services, enhance the exposure of enterprise brand and products, and continue to create value for customers.

Service concept:

Customer and social satisfaction is our wish to provide customers with scientific, fair, accurate and efficient services.

sense of worth:

Customer first - customers are the parents of food and clothing, customer service as the center

Honesty and trustworthiness - honesty and integrity, magnanimous words and deeds

Passion and optimism -- be optimistic and never give up

Dedication -- professional dedication, continuous improvement

Embrace change -- welcome change and be brave in innovation

Teamwork -- sharing and sharing, ordinary people do extraordinary things

座機:0851-88329965 網(wǎng)址:www.8985722.com 郵箱:yangqikui@gzfhwq.com 地址:貴州省貴陽市云巖區(qū)中建華府F區(qū)6棟18樓

2020~2030 貴州富海萬企科技有限公司 版權(quán)所有  貴公網(wǎng)安備 52010302001401號  黔ICP備18007187號

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